Welcome to our Family Blog

We hope this will be a good way to keep in contact with all of our Friends and Family that are spread out all over the world.
John - Tona - Violet - Abbi

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Introducing Abigail Rose Bartels

Abigail Rose Bartels joined our family on May 11, 2010.

This delivery was much smoother then her sister Violet's, we opted for the scheduled c-section. It took them longer to prep me for surgery then for Abbi to be born. As they were pulling her out, John was surprised to see her wide eyed and looking around. She was born healthy and perfect so we were able to have her in the room with us the entire hospital stay. She weighed 8.12 and was 20.5" long, just a little bigger then her sister Violet.

It was a little tough the first 5 weeks as Abbi struggled with colic in the evenings from 5-10 every evening. With some great suggestions from friends and family, we used a combination of probiotics & acid reflux medicine; we were able to regain our sanity as well as catching up on our sleep. She has been a very strong and alert baby; holding her head up on her own so she could see what was going on around her. She is quickly approaching three months and believe me, my summer break has flown by. Abbi has begun to smile, coo and baby talk to her favorite toy above her changing table. She loves to watch Violet; who affectionately calls her "Abbi Bananas" (Daddy's nickname for Abbi). Abbi also loves it when her daddy talks to her and rewards him with big smiles. Frank our golden retriever has also become one of her favorite objects to watch and talk to. Why is it when they start to become so much fun, you have to return to work. I am looking forward to going back to work but will miss my one on one time.

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