Welcome to our Family Blog

We hope this will be a good way to keep in contact with all of our Friends and Family that are spread out all over the world.
John - Tona - Violet - Abbi

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cuddle Time

Violet is defiantly Daddy's little girl.

Daddy's Little Angel

This was the morning we were getting ready to visit Daddy at work. She loves getting her diaper changed - it is her favorite play time - we have a mirror with a Lion image that hangs right above her - Violet will just coo and giggle at him. Too cute!

Violet in her purple winter hat

This is Violets face for.... "Mom! I don't want to be in this seat anymore!"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Birthday John & Joe!

Here is a special birthday wish to our favorite Bartels Boys!

Sorry this was a little late ... internet was down yesterday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Violet Has Hiccups

Here is a video of Violet that we took a couple weeks ago while she has the hiccups. You can see how much she loves her nook too. She is very much like Maggie from the Simpsons when she has it in.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Grandpa Time!

Here is a cute pic of the Grandpa's and "Dad" with Violet.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

All Smiles!

Well....not always smiling, but she has been a much happier kid lately. She even slept 6 hours last night! In a row!

Tona picked up "The Happiest Baby on the Block" this past weekend. It's not rocket science, but they do have a pretty good technique for calming her down. It doesn't help put her to sleep, but she seems to be much more content when is is awake.

Tona's parents were also in town the last couple days. It was great to see them, and I am sure they were excited to see Violet. They were also nice enough to watch Pirate* last night while we got out of the house to go catch a movie. We saw Juno, which was much better than I expected it to be. It's on my top 5 list of the year. I also couldn't believe how many people were there to see it. It was playing in the biggest theater at the local multiplex, and every seat was full on a Tuesday night.

* One of our friend's kid was trying to say Violet, but was having a tough time, so it was coming out as Pirate. It's what we've been calling her lately. Pirates! Arrrghh!

Here's one more smiling picture for the night:

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

4 Weeks

I can not believe that our little Violet is now 4 weeks old. Wow! time is just flying by ... every day she looks a little bit bigger - so that is what everyone means by "Don't wish this stage away - they grow up so fast". Violet has started to let us sleep longer in the evenings about a 4-6 hour time frames. I am defiantly thankful for this extra sleep - this helps me not feel like zombie mommy during the day. John & I are defiantly learning the art of patience with a fussy baby - we have a feeling she is going through a growth spurt along with being a little gassy. When she is not fussy she has been sharing her adorable smiles with us (*I will post a pic of her doing it - one of these days) She is very alert and likes to follow my voice by turning her head in my direction as I walk around her room. She has also started to become a little more vocal by cooing during her diaper changing. Despite the crying and lack of sleep I am enjoying being a mommy!

We do have to send out a BIG.... "Thank You!" to Grandma & Grandpa Bartels for babysitting both Lucy and Violet on New Year's Eve. It gave us the opportunity to go out to a nice dinner with friends & also to a friend's New Year party. It still ended up being an early evening for us - we are "too old" to stay out that late - but still a great night out!

That is it for now - Happy New Year!