Welcome to our Family Blog

We hope this will be a good way to keep in contact with all of our Friends and Family that are spread out all over the world.
John - Tona - Violet - Abbi

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Nosy Noserson

This is what I have to deal with when I am trying to work on the computer:

Halloween Party

Tona & I went out to Jamie & Melinda's for a Halloween party this past Saturday night. I went as Dick Enrico from 2nd Wind Sports (see this site if you don't know who he is: http://www.2ndwindexercise.com/) and Tona went as a ladybug.

Here's Joe as Larry Craig.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Paul & Michelle Hemming - Wedding Day!

Awesome friends of ours got married two weekends ago... it was an intimate ceremony with family & then a beautiful reception downtown Minneapolis for friends and family. It was nice to have an excuse to dress up and enjoy a night out with our friends. I can defiantly say I have not danced that much in a really long time & my feet were defiantly sore the next day. Here are a few pics from that night. (*sorry about the red eyes)

The happy couple are honeymooning in Hawaii!

33 Weeks - Wow time is flying!

I can't believe how fast the time is going - soon our little Violet will be here. I can defiantly tell the "nesting bug" is kicking in again. I have been trying to put away all the baby "goodies" that we have received so far & making the nursery ready for baby. I think I have rearranged the room three times now. I have to admit this pregnancy has been very nice - there isn't much that I can complain about. I am now just starting to feel more achy but other then that things are going very well. Violet has been a very active baby so John has had alot of opportunities to feel her move around and kick me. He says " She is "Feisty like her Mom" =) It's been fun trying to imagine what her personality will be like. It has also been fun to see how anxious & excited John is about becoming a Dad. =) He has been diligently working on our house projects, trying to get things finished before baby comes. We will post pics of our new bathroom soon! He has done an amazing job, and I can't wait for my first bubble bath. =) We will post more pics soon!

Madison Baby Shower

Sorry everyone - we misplaced our camera connector to post pics.
A few weeks back my mom hosted my first baby shower for Violet - it was nice to be home and to catch up with family and friends I don't get to see very often. The shower was amazing and I can honestly say Violet is already spoiled! Here are a few pics from the party. Thanks again Mom!