Welcome to our Family Blog

We hope this will be a good way to keep in contact with all of our Friends and Family that are spread out all over the world.
John - Tona - Violet - Abbi

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

R.I.P. Brute

Sunday night we got a call from our neighbors who were watching Frank & Brute while we were in AZ. Brute wasn't moving or eating much, and had vomited in the kitchen the day before. He has slowly been losing kidney function over the last couple years and has been losing weight as well. The vet has warned us that he will not last more than a couple years, and since he is almost 14, it is to be expected.

We came home last night and found him in the corner of our kitchen. He was having a seizure and was laying in his own fluids. We wrapped him up and took him to the emergency vet clinic. He was still having seizures and his heart rate was extremely elevated. They gave him some valium to ease the seizures and pain, but once it kicked in, his poor body could not handle any more and he passed away.

I took Brute in 6 years ago when his previous owner was going to have him put down. He has been my best pal and has given me unconditional love. It was hard to watch him pass away in front of me, but harder to know that he won't be waiting for me when I get home or waking me up on weekend mornings.

Rest in peace pal. I'm sure you are in a better place.


We just got back from visiting friends in Scottsdale this past weekend. It was a fun and relaxing weekend, and hard to come back to -13 deg weather. We spent most of the weekend hanging out and going to the Vikings game on Sunday. It was great to see everyone, and we want to thank Nick, Bannon & Marrya for being VERY gracious hosts. I also want to apologize to everyone I got sick. I got the flu on Friday, which spread to everyone by the end of the weekend.

Julie & V hanging out at the Rausch's

Marrya, John, Joe & Julie tailgating before the game.

Tona & John watching the Vikes hand out a beatdown.

Violet had a dry nose all weekend, so she was constantly putting her finger up it. She would sit there with a little smile and slowly move her finger into her nose. We would move her finger away and she would do it all over again. Of course she started doing it while we were trying to take pictures. That's my girl.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mini B-Day party

John's sister Julie, Timmy, Lizz and Grant are unable to come to Violet's party so they came over for dinner this week - John made wonderful Enchilada's and Julie made this very yummy Chocolate cake. Here are some pics as a preview to what's to come on Saturday.

(*Theresa helping V open her presents from Aunt Julie & Timmy)

(*Violet recieved three puzzels - she has not stopped playing with them)
(*As you can see V thinks the puzzle pieces are yummy too)
(*V's favorite place to sit and climb and as you can see make faces at me)
(*We thought a nice big slice of cake would show well in the picture)
(*Then V tried to put the entire piece of cake in her mouth -
this was the cleanest she looked by the end of the celebration.)

(*After a quick bath - V was ready for bed)

Thanks again for all the great gifts Aunt Julie & Timmy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Violet!

Apologies to our loyal friends and family that are eagerly waiting for new pictures and updates.
I feel like we are so busy these days that I hardly have time for phone calls, let alone any computer time. So apologies to everyone!

Since our last post - Violet has mastered walking and I know it will soon turn into running .. she has attempted it a few times and it has resulted in total wipe outs. She is so tough that it doesn't really phase her - she just picks herself up and goes for another try.

She is also been very busy mastering her favorite words Mommy, Daddy , Bye Bye , Deny (*daycare lady) and still an assortment of gibber jabber. What we are enjoying the most latley are her many facial expressions it's as if she is trying out all sorts of emotions. She has been trying out her faxe whiney and sad face, I have no idea where she picked it up but we have the hardest time not laughing at her. My favorite face has been her fish lips - we are not sure if she is trying to blow kisses or just trying to see what she can do with her lips.

It is amazing how fast this year has flown by - my little girl is turning One. She has really developed her personality - my little sassy social butterfly. She is very aware of her surroundings and all the attention she can get when we are out and about running errands.
John and I still can't believe we have been blessed with this sweet little girl.

I don't have many new pics to share - but I will be taking many this weekend. We are inviting over a small group of friends and family to celebrate V's First birthday. Stay tuned for pics!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we spent our the holiday with John's Aunt Judy's family in Wisconsin. It was great to see everyone - as we get older and our own familes grow we see less of each other. It was fun to see all the cousins and see now the littelest cousins starting their own memories. Here are a few pics from that day. Enjoy!

I am normally a very positve person the type that makes you sick sometimes as I look for the good in everyone and every situatation. For many selfish reasons this year I was having a tough time trying to find all "those positive things" amongst the stress of normal life. This is a thank you to my wonderful , wise and kind husband for reminding me. Here are just a few things that I will hold onto when I'm having a hard time getting through the week and I'm sure many of you share these same wonderful reminders.
I am thankful for the home that we live in - the warmth and protection that it provides. I am thankful for family and friends that no matter the time or the distance will always be there to lend an ear or my favorite, a hug. I am thankful for the job I have and the distraction it gives me as I miss my little girl all day long. I am thankful for the simple smile and hug Violet gives me every morning as I prepare for a new day. I am most thankful for my loving husband that encourages me to do and be all that he knows I am capable of.
(*I know a little sappy - but it had to be said)