Welcome to our Family Blog

We hope this will be a good way to keep in contact with all of our Friends and Family that are spread out all over the world.
John - Tona - Violet - Abbi

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update on Violet -
This sassy but sweet little girl is fast approaching the terrible two's. She is like a sponge when it comes to learning and often will sing her own version of the ABC's and Twinkle Little Star. She is into playing with her stuff animals, baby dolls and she still loves her books. Her two most favorite buddies right now are Daddy and Frank. Her other two favorites are Lucy and Baka Bake (*aka Gabe) - we can't say Lucy's name unless we are on our way to see her. Another big milestone in the past month or so ... she is now sleeping in her big girl bed - she still brings about 5 stuff animals with her, but whatever works! Enjoy the pics as mentioned in the captions she is growing - I think John might get his vollyball player after all.


Julie Bartels said...

I know it actually hasn't been that long since I've seen her, but she looks taller. Maybe it's just the angle of the pictures? :) Love you guys! And love all the pics lately!

Carrie A said...

Wow she's getting so big!!! She's ooking more and more like mama every day. She's going to be a stunner. John will have to beat the boys off her with a stick!!!